The Future Of Debt Forgivness

“Proof of Transition” “PoT” a consensus protocol utilised for the minting of coins for the project.

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The following address is for the STMX token contract. It is NOT a deposit address. Do NOT send tokens to it. To deposit, use the Deposit form in the Tokensale platform.


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Our Core

What is ILNF Coin?

ILNF Coin is the governance coin for ILIEN and is minted into circulation using our “Proof of Transition” to Transition the $ value in our ILN coin into ILNF.

ILNF holders can earn rewards in ILNF by supplying liquidity to selected pools. Up to 50% of all ILNF minted can be used for rewards to incentives ILNF holders to stake, mine, trade, vote or supply liquidity as required by the project.

  • Staking
  • Mining
  • Voting
  • Up to 50% in rewards
  • Daily minting

Token Development and ICO Marketing.

Best Token

Legal governance, risk management, and compliance.

Unique Size of

Starting in May 2018, STMX can be utilized for many purposes.

Operational platform

Decentralized Platform for Tokens and Smart Contracts.


Rewarding the ILNF community

$86,000 of ILNF will be minted daily with up to $34,000 available in ILNF as rewards. This will run for 3 years with ILNF holders allowed to vote every 12 months to increase or decrease the supply based on demand and new proposals 

In phase 1 of this project over $800 million of liens were converted to ILN and 10% will burnt to mint ILNF  using our “Proof of Transition” protocol and will be released by linear vesting over 36 months.

Our Goal

Convert debt backed money is to value backed coins.

The ultimate goal of Ilien is to remove the now normalised double spend practise, as it is one of the primary reasons for commercial over supply and declining spending power;

Long term we aim to stablise the orignal ILN coin created by Lien conversion to at a gram of gold price.

Token structure

Distibution of Tokens

ILNF Coin is a platform for the future of debt forgiveness that is built on top of the Polygon blockchain, offering rewards, tools and services to promote our protocol.

ILNF will use the tools available from DODOEX.IO.  a liquidity protocol powered by the Proactive Market Maker (PMM) algorithm and built for capital efficiency.

  • 50% Distribute to ILN holders

  • 35% Rewards Program

  • 1.5% Team and Advisors

  • 0.1% Marketing

  • 11.5% For Sale

  • 2.4% Eycosysteam Fund

Distribution # token
Pre-sale ILN/EILN holders 0.248% 500,000
Sees Round 0.99% 2,000,000
Token Sale 9.92% 20,000,000
Rewards 35% 70,560,000
Founding Team (3 years Vesting Period) 1.24% 2,498,400
Iln/Eiln holders 50% 106,600,000
We are Giving You a Chance to

Join The Revolution

The Ilien project has set out to transform the way money is currently created to a system that has the potential to halt and reverse the boom bust cycle. Never again will the lack of finance prevent a project that benefits the people of our world reach its goal.

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How it all Started

The Idea
It all started in 2018 in Enisscorty 
1.75 Million E.ILN released on ETH platform
Flame background
Liens applacation open
Over $ 800,000,000 liens converted to ILN
Screenshot 2022-11-15 at 00.35.15
1st Listing
ILN listed on Atomicdex wallet.
Token Sale


Our Best Asset

Product-Focused Team

Foundation of Our Success

Advisory Team